
Ho-ho...UH OH: Your Last Minute 2014 Gift Guide

You've got just enough time to ship holiday gifts to their destinations before it's too late! I'm usually terrible with gifts, but I'm so organized this year that I wanted to share some inspiration, tactics and deals. 

If you're a heavy Amazon shopper like I am, you can actually funnel a percentage of your purchases to a nonprofit of your choice! Head to Amazon Smile, pick your nonprofit and shop as normal ! The nonprofit I support is The Tank, a curated multi-disciplinary space for emerging artists in New York City.

C O V E T on Flipboard

"C O V E T" is  a mixed bag of things that I want from across the web. Clothes, shoes, ridiculous gold plated silverware? You can get to know me better by the things that I put in here. I have no plans to buy these things any time soon, but maybe it will give you ideas of what to get loved ones this season. If you want to show off what you want for Christmas in a cool way, try making a Flipboard magazine about it.

GOOD OL' STANDBYS List on Canopy

Canopy curates fun, design-y stuff from Amazon on their website and iOS app. You can create collections of items for wish lists or recommendations. I have mine organized by how soon I can buy them, ranging from "Soon" to "Later On" (perhaps not practical at this moment in my life!). I also have a list called "Good Ol' Standbys" for the items that I own already and highly recommend. Some are cheap, but be warned some larger items like stand mixers and immersion circulators can be expensive.

Check out my Amazon Recommendations

Part wish list, part things that I have around the house. Hope it helps!


Deals and Referrals (Subject to expiry!)

I'll be posting more deals as I find them! Feel free to tweet them to me @Randwiches.